Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Meeting the Pale Lady

Hello everyone!

Welcome to My Pale Lady! 

This blog was inspired by my long, lost sister (not by blood) named Madeline
We were separated (by three years time and) birth, but have no fear because we have been reunited by the spirit of fashion, friendship, and God!

 She's my best friend, but alas she's leaving for London, England for a year of Bible Study!
I'm so happy for her to be able to go over seas and study, but I mean come on!! 

I know, I know it's only...

1 year.
365 days.
8760 hours.
525600 minutes.
31540000 seconds.
Oh dear Lord.

Here, my dear friends, is where My Pale Lady comes in!
I figure that this blog full of my fashion successes and mishaps, my "home-style"photography, and basically what I'm going to call my "life-lapses" will help me to keep Maddie updated and involved in my life because, regardless of what she may think, her opinion is one of the most important to me. 

I know that whatever she says or helps me to do is in my best interest and that she could never think any less of me for any choices I make. 

I value her for her honesty and compassion!

Now you may be thinking, "why call your blog "The Pale Lady?" What is Madeline really pale or do you just like bland and neutral colors?"

NO NO NO!! OF COURSE NOT!! I'll have you know that I love colors especially the vibrant bursts of them! I do love a good classical print though, but geez they're called CLASSICAL for a reason people!

I am very pale and skinny this is true but not for any reasons other than I don't tan (I burn and peel) and that my metabolism has worked overtime my whole entire life! 
My mother says that the most color I've ever gotten is when you go camping and you make s'mores and you hold your marshmallow to far above the campfire and it browns slightly. 

AKA: the toasted marshmallow complexion was born!! 

Thank you, thank you....oh please stop you're just embarrassing me!! *blushes*

Well, I think now that I've got down the two major points...
*double checks points-to-make list*

Yep! Okay now let's make things personal!!

  • I am 16 years old! 
    • Don't let my age fool you I have what some may call an "old soul." 

  • I am a girl!
    • Just in case that wasn't obvious or something...I don't know!

  • I enjoy taking pictures, hanging out with friends, and DISNEY!
    • Disney is kind of my obsession. There may, or may not, be tons of references!

  • My Goals?
    • I'm glad you asked! Here are just a few:
      • Finish a wreck this journal
      • Have a glitter fight
      • Let go of a floating lantern
      • Possibly become a biologist?
      • Tie encouraging messages to balloons and let them go
      • Have a silly string fight
      • Put soap in a public fountain
      • Marry my best friend (Not Maddie. Boys are another of my obsessions!)
      • Write a letter on Juliet's wall in Verona, Italy (Letters to Juliet - <3)
      • Swim in a pool with glow-sticks
      • Overcome all of my ridiculous fears
      • Finish high school 
      • Let go and let God!!

I think that covers just about everything? If you have any other questions email me!!
I may answer you quicker if you put 'My Pale Lady - (insert topic/point of email here)'
If you liked the first post follow my blog and comment!! 
Thanks for the support and love! I'll talk to you all very soon!!

Love Always,

The Pale Lady