Monday, September 2, 2013

Alaskan Hunk?!

So, as you all know my nonblood related sister, Madeline, is shipping herself off to England to go to school this month! *wipes away traitorous tear*
Well, seeing as we are so close and I have already seen her hurricane...I mean bedroom before she gave me the great honor of helping her clean out all of her excess junk and pack for her year abroad!
Not only did I snag some sweet jewelry, an Audrey Hepburn poster for my room, and another small purse (one can never have to many purses) BUT I also managed to get ahold of some of her old diary pages!! 
With her permission I am now going to share with you amazing folks an excerpt from her DSF (Dear Silent Friend)!

^some names have been changed for privacy purposes

"Then there's ^John *heart melts @ the sound of his name* Oh, my, gosh. ^John Dollyllama is the 

Green Bay Gamblers player and is the most adorable/hot/cute/sheer amazingness hunk of Alaskan

 goodness I've ever met a/o seen. But here's the scoop. I went to a few Gamblers games w/ ^Debbie.

 She likes ^PJ. I noticed ^John. I went 2 double the amount of games & still think he's adorable. Waved

 to him when he skated out. He nodded and smiled back! *gives a girlie scream*"

Talk about dramatic!! Geez I mean come one...this guy is not going to openly flirt with a girl that's probably 5-10 year younger than him! Goodness gracious.

In my opinion I think it's good that she eventually gave up on this Gamblers player becuase she has somebody so much better now.

His name is Cristian and they are the most disgustingly cute couple I have ever seen!


The happy couple reunited after Cris left for college!

Are they not the most perfect, model worthy couple you've ever seen?!
Ugh. They make me sick with love just looking at them. We also found old love letters to and from one another in Maddie's giant letter box. 

No I will not read you their deeply seated love for one another...that's private stuff, people!

I will go on record and say that it is FLIPPIN' ADORABLE! But, I digress.

Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned for more posts!!

Love Always,

The Pale Lady